
Course type: A Level • Awarding/exam body: Edexcel
Students on this course will examine how markets and businesses operate in the real world. They will explore how government policies and world events influence the economy and will look at the role of emerging economies in the global economic system.

Course Units

Theme 1: Introduction to Markets and Market Failure

Theme 2: The UK Economy- Performance and Policies

Theme 3: Business Behaviour and the Labour Market

Theme 4: Global Perspective

Course Assessment

The course will be assessed with 3 exams at the end of year 2. Each exam requires some numerical skill as well as the ability to articulate your ideas and judgements clearly in written form.

This Course Can Lead To…

This subject is useful if you want to go on to study Economics or another related degree at university. Common career paths for Economics graduates include Banking and Accountancy. It is also suitable for those considering careers in most business areas, as well as law. Many students in the department go on to study Economics at a higher level.

Entry Requirements

Grade 5 in English Language and Grade 5 in Maths

Course Highlights

1 London School of Economics mentoring

2 One to one tutoring by top undergraduate and postgraduate students

3 Lectures at Economics institutions such as Institution of Economics Affairs and Bank of England

4 Bank of England trip

5 KMPG employability workshop